About Me

Waithira Kibuchi

I seek to live meaningfully in an increasingly complex, messy world. As such, I am drawn to fundamental questions about the nature of reality, human existence, and the lived experience. I enjoy exploring these philosophical ideas through design, making, and writing.

Textiles are my preferred medium of creative expression. No other medium comes close to its transformative effect on the human experience. Their malleable interface allows them to be equally used for separation and contact, revelation and concealment, structure and movement. They are at once both a barrier and a permeable membrane.

Textiles also provide a multi-sensory experience. Their colour, prints, texture, auditory properties, and smell-retaining capacity often evoke precious memories. Together with their seemingly infinite capacity to be knit, woven, dyed, printed, embroidered, and sewed into multiple combinations, these characteristics render them powerful mediators of ideas.

I have worked in various roles in the Kenyan fashion industry for a decade or so. I now run a small business supporting emerging and established fashion brands in their product development processes.

As an artist, I am particularly interested in approaches to creative production that challenge conventional industrial production systems. I am currently exploring how to make beautiful, functional clothes that support the well-being of everyone who comes into contact with them – without engaging in the harmful practices that dominate the wildly extractive capital F fashion industry.